
Dark-Hunters Tarot Deck

Created by Sherrilyn McQueen

A readable 84+ card deck designed by pro tarot readers, based on Sherrilyn Kenyon's #1 New York Times bestselling urban fantasy series

Latest Updates from Our Project:

One week to go!
over 1 year ago – Mon, May 22, 2023 at 07:39:52 AM

We are heading into the last week of the campaign. I can't thank all the backers enough! Y'all rock! We are just under another stretch goal and I hope we meet it so that everyone will have those extra cards in their decks!

And we just got in another card that I had to share. Simi!!

Again, thank you for being a part of the campaign and please help spread the word. The more backers, the larger the deck!

Bag & Box news!
over 1 year ago – Wed, May 10, 2023 at 08:51:46 AM

We are definitely upgrading the boxes and books for everyone! You won't need to do anything other than pledge the tier/add-on you want and they're yours! If you've already pledged, you don't need to do anything else. The upgrades will automatically go out with your pledge.

To answer one question that keeps coming up, the magnetic box will come with every purchased deck as the deck will be inside the box. So the final magnetic box will be the exact size of the final deck, which is currently at 114 cards (124 with the booster pack). We are offering the empty box as an add-on as some backers requested it. The more stretch goals we meet, the more cards you'll receive in your deck for the same price. So please help spread the word. The more backers, the more rewards/upgrades!

The upgraded wooden boxes are going to be large enough to nest the magnetic box of cards. And it will now be large enough to hold (with or without the magnetic box) all the cards in the final deck size, plus the booster cards. They will have the same engraving. The only thing that is changing is the size of the box.

Likewise, our velvet bag will now be large enough to hold all the cards of the final deck along with the booster cards. And like the box, it will have the same double bow image as shown above.

We're so excited to be able to offer this to everyone and we're hoping to meet our goals to have even more free upgrades and rewards for all backers.

If you haven't noticed, we have put up a video of Mel Joy developing one of the Simi cards on the main campaign page. It shows how she goes from her basic outline into the final line art for the cards. We've also added in a couple more of the final cards and will continue to update the page as we get them in from MJ.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!

Jake, Kim and crew

Some Q&As
over 1 year ago – Mon, May 08, 2023 at 08:46:26 AM

Sorry to add another update so quickly, but we're getting a lot of the same questions and wanted to answer them for everyone.

Will the option for bigger boxes and bags be added on later?

No. If we're able to make the deal, they will replace the bags & boxes that are currently in the campaign at no additional cost. Sherri wanted to do it for everyone and that seems the easiest way. So those who have already bought boxes & books, you would be automatically upgraded to the larger size.

Is this AI art?

Again, no. Mel Joy San Juan is a real artist with years of experience. We have her bio on the DH Tarot page and you can learn more about her here: and here: 

I want to upgrade my pledge or add the booster pack, how do I do that?

You can find that under the "manage my pledge" option that is usually in your upper right hand corner. That will allow you to put extra items in your pledge.

When will I get my cards?

The cards are slated to begin shipping in November.  

Hope that helps!


Bigger bags & boxes lead
over 1 year ago – Mon, May 08, 2023 at 06:40:29 AM

We are so close to the fifth goal that will unlock 6 more cards! So close!

We wanted to update everyone on what's going on. After we posted that we couldn't find a company that could do a custom bag to fit the entire deck, two companies have come forward! So, we should be able to have velvet bags large enough to fit the 140 potential cards!

Likewise, we're talking to them about having a wooden box large enough to nest the magnetic box, too! These should be amazing!

Mel Joy is busy at work adding in new cards that will focus on Simi, Savitar and Jaden! I can't wait to see them. The always does such amazing work. 

And I'll leave you with another example of her awesome art.

4 goals met and almost to 5!
over 1 year ago – Thu, May 04, 2023 at 09:45:51 AM

WOW! I cannot tell you how much your support means! In 48 hours, we have blown right past the production goal and are almost to the fifth stretch goal! That means that instead of 84 cards, we're up to 106 (116 if you bought the booster pack). If all stretch goals are met, we'll be at a total of 120 (130 with the booster pack). 

The last stretch goal will be my writing a short story around the cards that will be sent to all backers for free! 

In the meantime, Mel Joy, Tish and I could not be more excited. Mel Joy is busy at work on the next round of cards which we will unveil as soon as they come in and Tish is typing away on the guidebook. I am so excited! 

These are the latest ones to come in:




I've always said y'all are the best, and you prove it time and again!

Thank you!

And if you're looking for more projects to back, check out these fun campaigns.

Playlist of the Damned -- y'all know I'm a sucker for a good anthology and this one looks to be a amazing!

Another book is from first time author, Christopher Michael:

And lastly is an interesting campaign for you to design your own cards: