February Update
4 days ago
– Wed, Feb 05, 2025 at 11:42:47 AM
We apologize deeply for the long delay in getting our Kickstarter projects out. We are looking for someone who can do the fulfillment on the tarot cards so that we can get them out as fast as possible. I know everyone is eager to see them, as we are. We know how long it's been and never anticipated this.
Items are starting to come in, but there are a few problems such as the pendulums. The company shorted us and we're trying to get it resolved. For now, they're on backorder. We are frustrated too, but we're waiting for them to get more in so that they can fulfill our order.

If you have any questions about the cards (other than when they'll be shipping as we will send out an update once we have them in hand), please email us directly for the fastest answer: [email protected]
Dec Update
2 months ago
– Tue, Dec 03, 2024 at 11:00:15 AM
Happy Holidays!
Items are still in production. While we wait for them, I am meeting today with a fulfillment company to see if we can get the cards out to backers sooner than if we try to fulfill orders. I'm hoping it's not cost prohibitive because we want this items into your hands even more than you do. I promise :)
As a way to make amends, please note that the spiral guidebook has been upgraded and we are adding additional cards to the deck free of charge.
Again, we are so incredibly sorry for the delays and we're hoping to get these out to backers as soon as we can.
If you have any questions, please contact Jake: [email protected] Because we're trying to get everything out, this is the quickest way to get a response and we want to make sure we answer any question you have.
We're getting closer! Thank you all for your patience.
October Update
4 months ago
– Wed, Oct 02, 2024 at 11:41:53 AM
We are in production and I'll be updating everyone as items come in. Once we get everything in, we will begin shipping just as soon as possible. I will be able to give you an ETA once we have everything in hand. I am making a couple of corrections on the guidebook layout and I'm waiting on the artist to do a card spread example. The artist we had was taking too long and I want to get the book in ASAP. Please remember that because of the delay, the book has been upgraded from the spiral notebook. Again, I'm sorry this has taken so long, but we'll have a few other goodies in the shipments that will hopefully make amends.
If you have any questions, please contact Jake: [email protected] Because we're trying to get everything out, this is the quickest way to get a response and we want to make sure we answer any question you have.
We're getting closer! Thank you all for your patience.
5 months ago
– Fri, Sep 06, 2024 at 09:42:14 PM
Hey everyone,
I wanted to step in and let y'all know what's going on. We are working on the design for the tarot guidebook. I'm so sorry it's taken so long to get this campaign out. We'd wanted it finished before Volumes 3 & 4 came in to be shipped, but sadly that didn't happen.
As a way of apologizing to all of you for that, I am upgrading the guidebook from a spiral book to a nice hardback edition. Once I have a design I'm happy with from the illustrator, I'll post photos.
But please be patient with us a little longer. Remember that this month, I have two new releases and will be in Portugal for a book festival appearance that was rescheduled after being cancelled for Covid.
My team and I are working as hard as we can to get everything out to y'all as fast as we can. Once the designer is finished and I put the books in production, we'll have a more detailed ETA for you.
Thank you!
August Update
6 months ago
– Thu, Aug 01, 2024 at 07:50:26 AM
Sorry this is going to be a very short update. We have 800 cartons being delivered today for the Ash/Styxx books, and we have to get everything in place to receive them.
The guidebook is being designed. Once we have that finished, everything will be put into production and then once everything comes in, we will begin shipping to backers. We'll let everyone know a time frame once the books begin printing.
If you have any questions, please email us directly. [email protected] That is the email we monitor and is the fastest way to get an answer or help with your pledge.
Thank you so much. We're getting closer to having all items out to all backers. Yay!