
Dark-Hunters Tarot Deck

Created by Sherrilyn McQueen

A readable 84+ card deck designed by pro tarot readers, based on Sherrilyn Kenyon's #1 New York Times bestselling urban fantasy series

Latest Updates from Our Project:

9 months ago – Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 01:34:35 PM

Seasons Greeting to everyone!

As all of you know, the deck is twice as large as we'd originally planned. MJ still has 20 cards to draw and color. But we're getting closer to having all the cards finished. 

Once MJ is done, Tish will finish writing the guidebook to explain the meaning of each card as well as that the character that appears on it. 

The next step will be having the book edited and designed. Then the cards and book file will be sent to the printer. 

Once the printer finishes, the cards and books will be shipped to us and then we'll be able to fulfill orders.

Again, we're very sorry for the delay, but we're delighted that the deck will have so many extra cards. The last thing we want is to rush MJ as her artwork is truly exceptional. This is one of the latest cards she's finished:

Xev as The Hermit

We know and respect that everyone is eager to get their cards, and we will do our best to get them out to everyone just as fast as possible once we have them in hand.

Thanks so much for your patience,

Kim, Jake, Sheri & Sherri

November Update
10 months ago – Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 05:03:50 PM

Hi everyone,

So sorry for the delay in posting the update. Pneumonia kicked my butt. I'm finally on the mend and I know everyone is eager for an update. 

I spoke to MJ. We have 30 cards left to be done and she's busy at work, trying to get them finished. But I did have to share the one I just got for The Tower, featuring Hades & Persephone.

The Tower featuring Hades & Persephone

Once we have all the cards finished, Tish will then finish writing the guidebook. After that, we'll send them off to the printers. And as soon as everything is printed and in hand, we'll begin shipping them out to all our eager backers. We don't have an ETA at present since we're at the mercy of MJ's timeline and Tish's. We want to give them the time they need to make sure the cards and book are the best they can be, and we know you do, too.

We're so excited by the cards that have come in and we know this deck is going to be spectacular. 

Have a wonderful holiday season! 

Happy October
11 months ago – Sat, Sep 30, 2023 at 09:45:58 PM

MJ is still busy at work with the cards. Here is the latest that she just sent over tonight:

Tish is working as fast as she can, but she can't write the guidebook until the art is finished. We don't have the ETA from MJ yet, but will let everyone know when we do. We're almost finished with the first set and then we're on to the bonus cards.

They are all looking great though. 

MJ's talent is just incredible and I can't wait to see what else she has in store. Please stay tuned for the next update in November!

August Update
about 1 year ago – Sat, Aug 05, 2023 at 12:32:46 PM

Can you believe it's August? We wanted to take a moment and thank everyone for their wonderful support. Our surveys went out weeks ago and we still have 190+ folks who have yet to respond. If you haven't done your survey yet, please do so: You can also add additional items to your order in that survey.  You can also make changes to your address at this time as we haven't locked them yet. 

One quick thing that I wanted to make everyone aware of is that I originally contracted with our author and artist for 78 cards. Now, our deck is up  to 130 cards (140 with the booster set). Since the size of the deck is almost double what they  thought, it will take extra time for MJ to design and color the additional cards and for Tish to write the entries for them in the guidebook (which  she can't do until MJ finishes).

MJ has had a couple of delays, but she is diligently working on the cards and hopes to deliver them no later than the first week of September.

Once MJ finishes, the art Tish will need another 8 weeks-12 weeks to finish writing them up for the guidebook and our designer will need  two to three weeks to design the book once she has all the art and text.

That means it will be the first of 2024 before the decks ship. We're hoping  desperately to get the design and final cards done sooner as we really want them in everyone's hands before the New Year and we will do  everything possible to get them into your hands ASAP.

For those who missed the campaign, you can still order the cards here:

If you have any questions, please email us directly for the fastest answer: [email protected]

Thank you SO much to all our backers for helping to make this  campaign a huge success! 

To thank you for your patience, here's one of the latest cards:

Correction to the last update!
about 1 year ago – Sun, Jul 02, 2023 at 02:43:52 PM

Sorry for the boo-boos. First, it was the July update and not the June one. And I somehow messed up the number of cards. 

The final card total with the stretch goals is 130 cards. 140 with the booster pack add-on. Please forgive me for being human. Numbers have never been my friend (which is why I'm a writer and not an accountant). 

Thanks so much for understanding!